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Rocket League dev would consider the game for NX

Posted on June 5, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Rocket League has been a bit hit on multiple platforms since its release last year. However, it’s yet to grace any Nintendo console. Wii U is probably out of the question at this point, but NX could be a possibility.

GamingBolt spoke with Psyonix’s Jeremy Dunham about the possibility of Rocket League ending up on the new console. Dunham shared the following on that topic:

Well, the answer to that would be identical to whether or not we would support a hypothetical PS4K. It is certainly something we would consider. We consider all platforms, and whether or not they would make sense for Rocket League, whether or not they fit our timelines, whether or not we can afford to make our games on them. Every new brand new platform you work on, that is development time you take away from adding features to the existing versions of the game, for a version that the public isn’t even playing yet. So these are all considerations we have to make when we bring up new platforms.

But the answer to whether or not we would do it is identical to the hypothetical PS4K- and that is, could we do it? Should we do it? And does the community want us to do it? Those are all things we have to consider, and if the answers are positive, then we would. Now whether or not it would have cross platform multiplayer, our goal for any version of Rocket League going in is to make it cross network, no matter where you are. So really, it would be a matter of understanding our limitations, what they might or might not be in that situation. So in general we would always try to make it work- whether or not we would in this case would depend on whether or not we develop for the platform in the first place, and then whether or not it would be possible.

Thanks to the Jake for the tip.


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