RUMOR: Black Ops 2 Wii U will support DLC, no Nuketown 2025

Likelihood? Very likely.
It seems likely in and of itself, but the first unofficial confirmation that the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will support downloadable content is coming from a Youtube user who claims to have gotten a copy of the game early. Sure, he’s unable to play it, but he says that the back of the box notes support for “add-on content”, as well as leaderboards, voice chat, and online multiplayer.
One thing is doesn’t support, once again according to this Youtuber, is the bonus map “Nuketown 2025”, which PS360/PC users get if they buy the game on day one. At least, it doesn’t make mention of it on the box.
I’m not so sure either of these would be a shock to anyone– in fact I think we’d be more surprised at a lack thereof with DLC– but it’s nice to have SOME sort of confirmation.
In other news, that Wii U box looks nice. I love the blue. :9