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Saints Row: Drive By has changed since it was announced

Posted on November 4, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from THQ’s Danny Bilson…

“That one is changed. It’s changed. It’s going to be a different–we actually changed the design and are doing something more unique. This is just creative but we wound up feeling the game we were building was too much like a section of Saint’s Row that you could play in Saint’s Row. Now we’ve come up with a new design with a completely original game mechanic and we’re building out something that supports Saint’s Row with that. Because you don’t want to play something that you can play within the main experience. It’s actually a really cool, unique game we haven’t announced yet for Xbox Live.”

That sounds a bit mysterious, doesn’t it? I wonder what THQ is planning for the game… It’d be nice if the company were to share a trailer or a few screenshots of the project. We know virtually nothing about the title at the moment!


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