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Sakurai: Air combat to land combat is a one to three ratio in Kid Icarus: Uprising

Posted on June 15, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Masahiro Sakurai…

“Within the pattern of a given chapter, having air battle, land battle, boss battle, I would say in terms of time, from air combat to land combat it would probably be a roughly one to three ratio. The game is set so that Palutena can grant Pit the power of flight for only up to five minutes, so in that sense it’s limited to a specific amount of time. My thought on that was that if the air combat was too long, the user might get bored of that same type of gameplay, and it also gave me an opportunity to make that a very focused and tailored experience within those five minutes.

“In the ground battle stages, however, you have the ability to move along at your own pace, to explore a little bit, tactics might be different from player to player. In that sense the ground battles will most often be a lot longer than the time spent in the air. And that one to three time does not include the boss battles.”

At last year’s E3, Sakurai said that Palutena grants Pit just a few minutes to fly in the air. And based on the gameplay demos shown within the last twelve months, it became increasingly clear that players would spend time on the ground. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I may have read more positive impressions for the air combat, but ground battles still seem like they could be enjoyable!


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