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Scrapped Skyward Sword items could end up in Zelda Wii U, E3 demo was a starting point, more 3DS discussion

Posted on November 9, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Eiji Aonuma has opened up on the future of the Zelda franchise. While discussing items that didn’t make it into the final version of Skyward Sword, he did hint at possibly bringing some of the team’s ideas to the Wii U title. Aonuma also discussed Zelda Wii U and Zelda 3DS in general.

You can find Aonuma’s responses below.

First, Aonuma responded to a question regarding the items in Zelda: Skyward Sword…

“Every time we introduce new items and capabilities into the game, they’re very important. They allow you, as a player, to grow within the game and have new abilities. We had many ideas for new abilities in Skyward Sword. Some of them didn’t work and so we abandoned them. Some of them, though, we’re keeping. Even though we couldn’t make them work in this game, we felt they’re still good ideas. Maybe we can make them work on the Wii-U. It’s possible you might see them in another game we make in this series.”

Aonuma then went on to discuss Zelda for Wii U in general…

“We’re definitely excited about the Wii-U and its capabilities as a platform (laughs). Of course I can’t really tell you any details about that at this point. However, I should say the demo you saw at E3 is more of a starting point at this time, especially from a graphical standpoint. You should expect many changes, because as I mentioned earlier, our starting point is the gameplay and how we can make it work. It’s possible the game will look very different by the time it comes out.”

Finally, Aonuma discussed the next, original Zelda for the 3DS…

“(Laughs) I really can’t talk about that! We are working on something, though. There was the Ocarina of time, which was an adaptation of that title to the new platform. The new 3DS game will be a continuation of our efforts on that platform. (Laughs) I’m sorry, I can’t say any more.”


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