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Scribblenauts dev says game would work on other platforms

Posted on July 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

“The concept would definitely work on other platforms as well and we’ve seen gamers from very different backgrounds pick it up and enjoy it equally. We’ve seen both kinds of gamers instantly taking to the game, the casual gamer that played a few games before as well as hardcore ones that play nothing but the latest titles on PS3 and X360. But we never limited ourselves to the DS as platform in our heads and we’ll see what the future holds.” – technical director Marius Fahlbusch

5th Cell has been mostly known for their work on the DS and phones, so it would be a bit odd to see Scribblenauts land on a different platform. If I had a choice to play the title, I’d still pick the DS over any other system because being able to use the touchscreen makes the gameplay seem more streamlined.


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