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SEGA: Aliens: Colonial Marines wouldn’t be on Wii U if console was inferior to current gen

Posted on April 27, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

It’s tough to believe, but there have actually been some rumors implying the Wii U won’t be up to the same standards as current-gen consoles. That sounds like rubbish, doesn’t it?

If you’re still concerned about the system’s power, perhaps a new comment from SEGA’s affiliate marketing manager Craig Harris (of IGN fame) will put you at ease.

SEGA and Gearbox Software have been some of the biggest Wii U supporters up to this point. The two companies will be bringing Aliens: Colonial Marines to the system in the near future. According to Harris, this game wouldn’t be on Wii U if it was inferior to current gen systems.

Harris said:

“Nintendo… has to release hardware that’s of the expectations of the gamer today. … I don’t think we would be bringing the game to a system that would be inferior to current gen (HD) systems.”


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