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Shin Megami Tensei V details Bethal country demons, Da’at exploration

Posted on September 26, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos

shin megami tensei v Gustave

Atlus has prepared a third news video for Shin Megami Tensei V. It highlights two topics: Bethel demons of each country and traversing Da’at.

The key Bethel demons include Khonsu from the Egypt branch, Vasuki from the India branch, Zeus from the Greece branch, and Odin from the North Europe branch.

One aspect of Da’at involves leylines that connect the different regions, which can be used for features like saving. Access leylines to visit Cadaver’s Hollow where you can purchase items from Gustave or sell him your loot. Additionally, players can find Gustave’s pawns known as Miman throughout the world to obtain rewards. Earn Glory by finding Miman to obtain Miracles.

Other features of Da’at include finding hidden items, encountering demon-like statues to increase your demon levels, encountering Mitama that drop items exchangeable for money, EXP, and Glory, finding quest navigators like Amanozako throughout your journey, and taking on requests that provide items when completed. You may also come across Abscesses containing powerful enemies, and you can obtain new Miracles if you destroy it.

Here’s the full video from Atlus:

Shin Megami Tensei V arrives for Switch on November 12.

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