Splatoon 2: another new singleplayer stage element revealed
The Splatoon Twitter account has revealed another new stage element that can be found in the game’s Hero Mode. In the Japanese version, it’s called “cologalium” – what looks like five tubes stuck together. Like most things in Splatoon, if you ink them, you can use them to your advantage. In this case, inking them propels them forward, and they also leave behind a path of your ink. Depending on where you hit the tubes, you can control the trajectory at which they travel, allowing you to hit enemies that are high up. Some of the Octarians are also capable of producing cologalium and can use it to attack – but of course, you can just shoot it right back at them.
コロガリウムを使って攻撃してくるタコ、「タコリバーサー」もいるが、タイミングよく打ち返せば反撃することもできるぞ。 pic.twitter.com/Y7c1LVT7JS— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) May 30, 2017