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Spyborgs producer: No one expected recent mature games to sell, Spyborgs is a risk

Posted on May 13, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

It’s almost natural these days to bring up the idea of “risk” with Wii development based on the sales of some of the more standout titles. With some of the more recent NPD reports, Wii owners have to hold their breath since there’s always a rather big chance that the sales of that particular game will be disappointing. Senior Producer of Spyborgs, Daryl Allison, has commented on success of recent mature titles on Nintendo’s console and explains that Spyborgs is considered to be a risk.

“To answer your first question about the risk, you guys wouldn’t be asking me if it wasn’t an obvious risk. The numbers say it’s a little more challenging to, as a third-party, break out and have a hit on the Wii. That’s a given. I guess you could say I’m not surprised that recent mature-rated games on the Nintendo platforms, of which I can think of two, I’m not going to name them because I don’t want to be offensive to anyone… it’s disappointing that they didn’t succeed, but I don’t think anyone expected them to. At least for the Wii, based on the market data, you can look on the games that sell for the Wii, there’s nothing anywhere close to mature-rated content that sells well. You could sit back and hope a hardcore game would release for the Wii and succeed and blaze that trail…”


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