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Square Enix teaser site renewed

Posted on May 22, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Square Enix opened a 10th anniversary teaser site a couple of months ago, but it was taken down soon after.

Now it’s back. And a countdown is now included – seemingly, anyway. The “timer” stays consistent at 00:46:49.

The text has also changed a bit. It now reads:

As of April 1, 2013 we’ve reached our 10th anniversary!
We hope you’ll continue supporting us going forward as well!
Now then, we said we were “thinking about various things” on the site not long ago, so we’ve prepared this little heartwarming site…
as soon as it’s ready, the counter will begin to move. Please wait for a little while. ROCK ‘N ROLL.

You can get a look at the teaser page here.

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