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SteamWorld Dig still a possibility for Wii U, team has other ideas for the console

Posted on July 7, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

SteamWorld Dig is only planned for the 3DS eShop currently. However, developer Image & Form is still considering a Wii U version of the game.

CEO Brjann Sigurgeirsson commented on the possibility of SteamWorld Dig for Wii U and the console overall in an interview with Nintendo Difference. Sigurgeirsson also said that the team has ideas that may be a better fit for the system rather than simply bringing SteamWorld Dig over to the Wii U.

“We are still considering SteamWorld Dig for Wii U, but I also think we have other ideas that suit the Wii U better. The Wii U is a very powerful console, but I think Nintendo has a hard time explaining to consumers who should buy it and why. It becomes a paradox: if not enough people buy the console, developers are not going to flock to it – which means that it takes longer for the console to establish itself.”


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