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Summon Epona with your ocarina in Scribblenauts Unlimited

Posted on October 24, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Update: DQF has provided an accurate translation of the post:

“The presented characters aren’t the only ones usable in Scribblenauts Unlimited, there are also Yoshi’s in different colors and not to forget Tingle of the Legend of Zelda side. Better, multiple objects from these two sagas are back, in the form of the Triforce or the Ocarina. For example, if you give the Ocarina to Link and he use it, Epona will gallop to him. However, the studio’s spokesman said Nintendo want to hold a certain image for their characters so you couldn’t make a zombie Mario because Nintendo didn’t want you to.”

Again, that does sound like Tingle as well as different colored Yoshis will be included… but I’m still cautious!

Original: The Wii U version of Scribblenauts Unlimited will offer a host of different Nintendo characters and items. Warner Bros. and 5th Cell haven’t exactly dished out the specifics on this yet, but we do have a new tidbit thanks to a French preview.

To call out Epona, Link can use an ocarina. The triforce will apparently be included in some form as well.

This other part you can mark as a biiiiig rumor, mainly because I don’t speak any French at all. The way Google is wording a portion of the article, it sounds like different colored Yoshis and Tingle may also be included in Scribblenauts Unlimited.

This is what it says – again, through Google Translate:

“First, a few Nintendo characters presented are not the only ones available in Scribblenauts Unlimited, different colors of Yoshi being in the program, not to mention the side Tingle series The Legend of Zelda.”

If anyone wants to translate this short article, feel free to send it our way.

Thanks to Alex for the tip.

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