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Super Robot Wars UX details

Posted on January 18, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

A few new details about Super Robot Wars UX have arrived. Below you’ll learn about Partner Units and Single Units. Each has its own features as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Partner Unit (PU)

– Two parts to the Partner Unit
– Main machine in charge of moving attacking
– Sub machine controls attacks and defense
– Main machine determines the unit’s mobility
– Can have a highly mobile flying main machine with a powerful yet less mobile sub machine backing it up to have best of both worlds
– Sub machines can defensively cover the main in various situations
– Ex: can provide cover once it approaches the main machine’s terrain or if the main’s heal didn’t work
– Providing support within the unit is a major boost for any Partner Unit machines
– Their downfall is not being able to provide support to other nearby units in situational moments

Single Unit (SU)

– Single Units: machines without a Partner Unit
– These can provide and receive offensive and defensive support from adjacent allied units
– Can move once more if they can manage to take down at least one enemy unit during their attacks
– Can perform an “attack all”
– This targets the main and sub machines of an enemy Power Unit
– Single Unit can be great as a support for all the allies, but suffer when they’re caught alone
– When encountering enemy Partner Units, they can also take heavy damage with less support abilities available


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