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Suspect behind Nintendo Live Tokyo 2024 threats arrested

Posted on June 28, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo Live Tokyo 2024 arrest

April 3: According to the Kyoto Shimbun, police have made an arrest followings threats tied to the cancelled Nintendo Live Tokyo 2024 event.

Nintendo Live 2024 Tokyo, which would have taken place this past January, was cancelled at the start of December. The suspect made “persistent threats” against employees as well as participants ahead of the Splatoon Koshien 2023 finals. Nintendo Live Tokyo 2024 was cancelled as a precautionary measure.

The man who has been arrested was not named. However, it’s been reported that he’s in his twenties and is a local civil servant from the Ibaraki Prefecture.

The suspect was arrested after sending death threats through Nintendo’s enquiry form on its website. Because of repeated threats sent through that form, he’s been accused of obstructing the company’s business. As of now it’s unclear what his motives were.


April 24: Kyoto Shimbun has followed up with another report and the 27 year-old man has been formally charged. He sent messages to Nintendo between August 22 and November 29 of last year with 39 threats. The man said things such as “I’m going to make you regret releasing such a crappy game to the world” and threatened to “kill everyone involved.” Messages also warned Nintendo about events with fans. 


June 28: Following the arrest, the man has admitted to the charges, saying he was frustrated playing the game and losing – which was presumably Splatoon 3. The prosecution claims the threats resulted in damages of 700 million, or roughly $4.36 million, and wants a one-year prison sentence.

Thanks to Greatsong1 for the tip.

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