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Switch pre-orders from Gameseek come with a special certificate

Posted on March 3, 2017 by (@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch

UK-based retailer Gameseek got quite a bit of attention in the last couple of months for having sold the Nintendo Switch at what will likely remain the lowest price for quite some time. After the console’s initial announcement, Gameseek was selling pre-orders of the Switch for only £198.50, which ended up being far cheaper than the system’s final retail price announced in January. Nonetheless, Gameseek decided to honor the orders of everyone who pre-ordered at that price.

Today, people all over the world are receiving their Switch orders, and Gameseek decided to add in a little something extra – a certificate for “being part of the historic event and securing a Nintendo Switch in Gameseek’s £80 lower than RRP (£279.99) offer.”



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