Fishing Star: World Tour will be released on the Japanese eShop on January 31, supports fishing rod Toy-Con
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Early last year, we learned that Fishing Star, which is originally a mobile game, is getting an updated release on Nintendo Switch. Today, the latest issue of Famitsu revealed that the game will be called Fishing Star: World Tour. It’ll contain over 180 species of fish, over 40 different fishing locations and over 70 pieces of fishing gear and equipment. The most noteworthy piece of information about this game, however, is that it’ll support the fishing rod Toy-Con that’s part of the Nintendo Labo Variety Kit, something developer GREE hinted at last year.
Fishing Star: World Tour is set for a digital release on the Japanese eShop on January 31. No word yet on a Western release date.
More: Fishing Star: World Tour, GREE
GREE “may” use the fishing rod from Nintendo Labo for Fishing Star
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
GREE, a Japanese company with a great deal of success in the mobile space, is now pursuing console development. We found out that they’re developing Fishing Star for Switch just a few days ago.
Apparently, GREE is considering using Nintendo Labo. The company said that it “may” take advantage of the fishing rod accessory.
As for how GREE is handling Fishing Star on Switch, it’s planned as a single-purchase title as opposed to free-to-play. It was selected as the company’s entry into the console market since there’s a minimum risk involved, there’s a certain scale in the fishing game market, and they want to collect know-how (on the market). Switch was chosen because of the Joy-Con and due to the fact that casual games are doing well on the platform.
More: Fishing Star, GREE
Mobile developer GREE getting into console development, announces Fishing Star for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 9 Comments
GREE is known for its work in the mobile space and the many titles it has released on smart devices. But today, the company announced that it intends to release games on consoles. One such title is Fishing Star. It’s planned for release this year, and it sounds like it’ll be launching worldwide.
GREE came out with Fishing Star VR not too long ago, which we assume the Switch version is based on. Described as a casual fishing game, it allows players to visit a few different areas and compete with others through online play. It comes with a variety of fishing rods and bait, as well as over 100 kinds of fish.