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Mechanical Arms

I’m sure you’re scratching your head right now going, “didn’t this game just come out?” Yes. Yes it did. On February 19th in the US and today in EU, but that doesn’t matter because the sequel to the dungeon crawler developed by Mechanical Arms is here and ready to be played!

On April 2nd, Mechanical Arms will bring the sequel to their dungeon crawling RPG, Excave, to the 3DS eShop. It’ll run you $10.00 flat, which is double the asking price of the first. Considering the light amount of content Excave originally had, we’re hoping Excave II: Wizard of the Underworld delivers a more solid RPG experience and adds a little depth to the gameplay this time around, especially for $10.

Teyon will not be publishing Excave II as they did with the first. Instead, Bergsala Lightweight LLC will be publishing the eShop title.

Have you played or been interested in Excave at all and plan on picking up the sequel? Let us know in the comments below!



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