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Phil Tibitoski

Octodad: Dadliest Catch was initially planned to launch on the Wii U eShop this past summer. Fall has arrived, so clearly that target has passed.

So what’s with the delay? Young Horses president Phil Tibitoski has said that the team “ran into some unforeseen issues in certification”, which “took a while to fix.” A final release date should be announced “soon”.


Earlier this year, Young Horses commented on the possibility of Octodad: Dadliest Catch for Wii U. The company mentioned in one tweet that there were no plans, but in another, the studio said: “We’re not sure to be honest.”

We followed up with Young Horses last month and once again asked if Octodad is something that could happen on Wii U. The company’s president and community manager Phil Tibitoski basically gave us the same answer: a decision is still being made.

Tibitoski’s full comments are as follows:

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