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Secret Base

Streets of Red

Streets of Red is the latest indie success story on Switch. Secret Base is surprised by how well the game has done in Switch. In total, Streets of Red has sold over 10,000 copies and has already recouped porting and development costs.

Secret Base is obviously very happy with Streets of Red’s performance thus far. To thank fans, the developer is planning updates and more content.

Streets of Red

Streets of Red: Devil’s Dare Deluxe launches on the Switch April 12. We now have footage of some gameplay below. Check it out:

Streets of Red

With Streets of Red releasing for Switch on April 12, a launch trailer has gone live. You can watch the video below.

Streets of Red

Streets of Red was revealed last month, with a planned release on February 27. That day came and went without the game’s eShop launch, though thankfully the delay wasn’t too long in the end.

Streets of Red has now been added to the North American eShop, which shows what should be a final date of March 29. Pricing is set at $8.99. If there are any changes with release plans, we’ll let you know.

Streets of Red

Streets of Red is making its way soon to Switch, Secret Base has revealed. A release is planned for February 27.

Secret Base says Streets of Red is “a permadeath multiplayer horror beat’em up that bestows players with the skills of retro gaming heroes in a fight against a legion of undead monstrosities.” The game has “an arcade-style currency system, tribute-parodies to classic horror and videogame characters, and an ever-evolving level structure that makes every run a new experience.”

Find additional information and a teaser for Streets of Red below.

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