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Kalypso Media and SomaSim have set a final release date for Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition. Europe will be getting it first on October 26. In North America, the game will follow on November 13.

We have new details and a trailer for Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition below.

Kalypso Media and Somasim have announced Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition for consoles. A release is planned for Switch, where the game will be available this fall.

Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition will be Kalypso’s first Switch title. In the game, you’ll take on the role of an architect and developer as you build world-famous skyscrapers. Every decision, both big and small, will depend on your actions, including coordinating construction, pleasant tenants, and more. The “Architect’s Edition” will feature extra DLC.

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