Trashmania Trilogy put on hold indefinitely
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Jonathon Bont, creator of Trashmania Trilogy, said on Twitter today that the project has been put on indefinite hold. It’s not necessarily cancelled, but don’t count on it being revived anytime soon.
Bont explained that money set aside for Trashmania Trilogy’s development is now needed for his personal situation. He made sure to apologize to fans looking forward to its release.
Due to severe current issues in my personal life, I'm putting development of Trashmania Trilogy for Wii U on hold indefinitely. #gamedev
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) February 6, 2015
Development could resume tomorrow, next week, year, or never. Worst case I'll have to use money set aside for gamedev towards other things.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) February 6, 2015
I hate to do this to everyone excited for the game, and I'd hate to put so much hard work to waste, but this is major turning point in life.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) February 6, 2015
More: indie, Trashmania Trilogy
Trashmania Trilogy moved back to late May/early June, will feature online functionality
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
When we last heard about Trashmania Trilogy, the download was targeted for Q1 2015 on Wii U. Those plans have since changed.
Creator Jonathon Bont took to Twitter today and confirmed that Trashmania Trilogy has been pushed back to late May/early June. This is due to “the unexpected size the project has grown to.”
To make up for the delay news, Bont confirmed that Trashmania Trilogy will feature online functionality. There will be “online leaderboards for Classic+ and custom level sharing for Remix+”, and Bont teased that “the latter approaches level sharing in a unique way.”
It's official: I'm pushing Trashmania Trilogy's release date to late May/early June 2015. #wiiu
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) December 28, 2014
Official reasons are not technical or Wii U specific issues, but instead a lack of time and the unexpected size the project has grown to.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) December 28, 2014
HOWEVER, as a way of saying sorry, here's an announcement to cheer you guys up: online functionality is being worked on!
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) December 28, 2014
Specifically, online leaderboards for Classic+ and custom level sharing for Remix+… the latter approaches level sharing in a unique way.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) December 28, 2014
I won't give away what makes it unique, but I'll just say it's different from how it's normally done. 😉
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) December 28, 2014
More: indie, Jonathon Bont, Trashmania Trilogy
Trashmania Trilogy set for Wii U release
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Jonathon Bont, creator of the Trashmania Trilogy, has announced plans to bring the series of games to Wii U.
Trashmania Trilogy will include three games: rashmania, Trashmania: Remix, Trashmania: After Dark. Their original versions are featured in the digital package along with “enhanced versions with updated graphics and GamePad functionality.”
Trashmania Trilogy is targeted for Q1 2015.
#gamdev Here's Trashmania: After Dark running on the Wii U at 1080p, 60 FPS!
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014
@JonGryphon I consider it "horror/arcade"; the other 2 games in "Trashmania Trilogy" are straight up arcade (originally A2600 homebrews).
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014
@JonGryphon But of course, the Wii U version will be a heavily-updated version of the game (enhanced graphics, GamePad support, etc.)
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014
@JonGryphon I'm shooting for Q1 2015 right now (with hopefully little time between US/Europe releases). Depends on many, many factors.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014
#WiiU Another note about Trashmania Trilogy: the original games will support Off-TV Play, but the GamePad-enhanced versions probably won't.
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014
#trashmaniatrilogy #WiiU testing a little mechanic here… I'll show how it comes into play soon. 😉
— Jonathon Bont (@Animan13) August 28, 2014