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Tales producer says Wii U is “brilliant”, but no plans for the console

Posted on April 5, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Namco Bandai came right out of the gate with a Tales game for the 3DS when it launched. The same can’t be said about Nintendo’s new console, the Wii U.

While series producer Hideo Baba appreciates the system – calling it “brilliant” – he told Kotaku that Namco Bandai and the Tales team “don’t have any development plans to make any Tales of games for the Wii U.”

Baba said:

“I think the Wii U is a brilliant console that offers a lot of innovation and possibility for new types of gameplay. However at this current time we don’t have any development plans to make any Tales of games for the Wii U.”

Namco Bandai did release two Tales games on the Wii’s successor: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Tales of Graces. The latter never launched overseas, but it eventually received an upgrade on the PS3 under the new name Tales of Graces F. It released in both North America and Europe last year.


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