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Team Ninja on Wii U power, GamePad implementation

Posted on November 12, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi believes the Wii U’s power is “right up there with PS3 and Xbox 360”. It also has the capability of running content on a second screen.

Ultimately, though, Hayashi thinks that creatively making games will be more important than anything else:

“In terms of power, it’s right up there with PS3 and Xbox 360 plus the power to run the extra screen on the controller. There is plenty of power there to use. For all of Nintendo’s hardware, it’s not about power; it’s about how you creatively use the hardware. When we make games for Nintendo, they are going to come and challenge us to use that hardware to make a creative game. That’s the key point from Nintendo that we always feel.”

Regarding Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge – one of Team Ninja’s first Wii U titles – Hayashi said the team wanted to make things more convenient:

“Ninja Gaiden is a console game, so we’re focused on playing it as a console game. We haven’t done a whole lot to change that because we know our fans who love that experience, and we don’t want to betray them. We don’t want to leave them out in the cold. It’s been focused on making that experience even more convenient for them.”


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