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Telltale Games responds to Wii complaints surrounding Tales of Monkey Island

Posted on August 6, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

A number of Wii owners who have downloaded Tales of Monkey Island off of WiiWare have been experience different technical issues. In particular, frame rate and output glitches have been reported by multiple gamers. However, one Telltale Games developer has provided a large response regarding the issues with the title and hopes that the next episode will at least be free from hitching.

“Just for the record, it doesn’t matter whether or not you are running from the HD or SD. When you “run from the SD card, the wii is actually taking the game and copying it to the hard drive before you even get into the game. That’s why you always need to have the full game’s worth of space available on your wii, even when playing from the SD card.

As for different SKU’s, there’s only the one (or at least as far as anyone can tell). I don’t believe they’ve changed it at all since launch.

Now as for the actual problems, it’s definitely a topic of discussion around the office, so I don’t want anyone to think we are just ignoring it and hoping it will go away. We definitely aren’t happy with the fact that not everyone is having an enjoyable experience.

I’m personally really bummed about the voice quality. Obviously the game was pretty rigorously scoped for the 40mb filesize, but no matter how much you plan in advance little things creep in and add up. So when all was said and done we had to make a choice of either cutting content or compressing the voice more than usual. It was a pretty damn hard decision, but the last thing we wanted to do was cut out dialog from the wii version that was in the PC version. In the end I feel we made the right choice.

Obviously, that’s not something we want to happen again, so we are working hard on 102 to make sure it doesn’t.

As for the hitching, it’s a frustrating problem, but both internally and externally (nintendo’s lot check) it was agreed that it was within the standards. Which is never a good answer but in a choice between delaying the game a few more weeks or getting it in the hands of the public, we chose the latter. I’m fairly confident that everyone is seeing the exact same level of hitching, but obviously it bothers some people more than others. Unfortunately, exacting standards doesn’t mean that everyone will be equally satisfied.

Now, we have an idea as to what’s causing the majority of the hitching, so we are designing around it for the second episode, but there was no easy way to fix it for the first one.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

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