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Temtem targeted for Spring 2021 launch on Switch

Posted on February 26, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch


After the massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure Temtem hit Steam Early Access last month, Crema has been hard at work on more features for the game. Of course, Nintendo fans are most interested as to when we’ll be seeing it on Switch. Crema provided an update as part of a larger roadmap this week.

According to the developer, Temtem will reach version 1.0 in Spring 2021. When that happens, console ports will be released – including Switch.

As for cross-play and cross-save, Crema had this to say:

We expect to have the console ports ready for when we plan to launch the 1.0 release.

One of the most recurring topics about the console ports is if we’re going to support cross-play and cross-save so we want to take this opportunity to talk a bit more about those.

Cross-play is technically simple to achieve. We already have cross-play between Discord and Steam players and every new platform will behave in the same way. The main problem with cross-play is related to console holders restrictions but they seem very open about it lately so we’re hoping we will be able to achieve cross-play on every platform we launch.

Cross-save is more technically challenging. Apart from having the same legal and restrictions hoops, there’s also a technical issue that needs to be sorted and solved which is a way of joining all your different accounts into the same one. Temtem doesn’t have a custom login system, it just uses the platforms’ login system in a transparent way (you don’t really have a Temtem account right now, just some data associated with a Steam/Discord account), so we’ll need to find a way to join them together so you can access the same data in all your platforms. We’re pretty confident about it but we still need to figure out some more things and talk with the different platform holders to get their OK.


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