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The Conduit – HVS looking to incorporate online system similar to Medal of Honor on Wii

Posted on September 24, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

High Voltage Software stated a few weeks back that friend codes will be a probable inclusion in The Conduit’s online set up. After all, as the company has mentioned, it is ultimately up to Nintendo to decide which companies can develop and include a homemade online system, much like EA did with Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 on Wii. There is some light at the end of the tunnel, however. High Voltage Software has yet again noted that “If there is any possible way for us to get around this [friend code] system, we will.” Better yet, it was also added that “A system similar to MoH2’s would be ideal.” High Voltage is hoping that Nintendo will offer “the same exceptions they granted EA.” Gamers might end up with friend codes in the final product, but at least it can be said that High Voltage is doing everything in their power to make the online experience as good as it can possibly be.

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