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The Last Story details – new characters, arena information, and more

Posted on January 13, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

New characters

– New characters: Zangurg and Tasha
– Zangurg is king of the Gurg (Gurugu) race
– He is able to unite the Gurgs for the first time ever through his charisma and power
– Tasha: knight and pupil to General Trista
– Tasha has been traveling with Trista
– Tasha has excellent sword skills
– She wants to become a great knight
– Tasha doesn’t have a high opinion of mercenaries

Ruli City

– Pub shown in trailers is the Ariel Inn
– Ariel Inn can be found across from Ruli City’s Central Plaza
– Inn is a combination of a pub and inn
– Elza and his crew stay at this inn
– They all have rooms at the hotel
– Separate rooms for the girls and boys
– Save point in front of the room
– First floor is a pub
– Second floor is an inn
– Speak to different patrons in the pub
– Those who can be talked to have an arrow above their head
– Different conversation types based on their importance
– Most conversations are close-up portraits of characters when they speak
– Important scenes have events with scripted camera
– Arena can be found outside of town
– Go to the arena to master party skills in combat against enemies
– Room rises from the underground at the start of a battle
– Sports-like feel to arena fights
– Commentary while you fight in arenas
– People will make wagers on fights
– Collect items and money from the wagerers if you win

Tension moves

– Special battle moves which use your tension gauge
– The gauge is built up while you fight
– Select tension moves by switching into command mode
– Different moves for each character
– Jackal’s move: Absolute 0, hits enemies with a blizzard for direct damage, slip effect which causes enemies to fall over
– Manamia’s move: Revive, recovers fallen foes completely
– Seiren’s move: Deals damage and paralysis, Seiren will leap into the air and send down needles at enemies


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