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The Last Story manufacturing issues lead to a slight delay

Posted on August 17, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Have you been unable to locate any copies of The Last Story at your local retailer? If the answer is yes, you should be aware that there’s a reason for that.

The Last Story was technically supposed to be out on Tuesday. But according to XSEED executive VP Ken Berry, there were some manufacturing issues relating to the game’s included bonus content with all launch units.

Berry explained:

“It is going to vary depending on the retailer, but considering that 8/14 was our ‘ship date,’ I would say by the weekend is when most retailers should have it on store shelves. We always go by ‘ship date’ as opposed to ‘street date,’ but usually we do try shipping our products a few days earlier allowing some of our previous releases to be available on store shelves on the ‘ship date,’ so I can see why some people are wondering why copies aren’t available yet. To be honest, we’ve had so many manufacturing issues with the bonus content on the launch units, specifically the custom outer box holding the game and art book, that production was severely delayed and we almost missed our 8/14 date entirely, preventing us from shipping any units early like we usually do. We were extremely fortunate to be able to ship our units on 8/14 at all due to this unexpected manufacturing issue, so we ask the fans to please be patient and give it a couple extra days for all the units to arrive – we think it will be worth the wait.”

Some folks have already said that their retailers have received copies of The Last Story today. So if you don’t see it soon, I’m sure you’ll be able to pick the title up by the end of the weekend.


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