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The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks details

Posted on November 16, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

The Official Nintendo Magazine answered a ton of reader questions and have published it in one post. We’ve picked out the questions that you guys would probably find most interesting, but you can read the whole thing here

Do they explain why Hyrule is no longer flooded?
Well, they explain why the game is set on land, yes.

Compared to Phantom Hourglass, which makes better use of the DS as a system?
I’d say Spirit Tracks. As well as having to use the stylus to control Link and Zelda, you also use the mic a lot. You’ll need to blow into the mic for Link’s Pan Pipes and the new whirlwhind weapon.

Do any story details overlap with other Zeldas?
Yes, there are recurring characters from both Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass

What’s the storyline like?
This is one of the strong points in my opinion. Out of all the ‘toon Link’ titles, it’s easily the darkest and the Phantom Zelda conceit is a great little twist. Cole is a memorable adversary, there’s plenty of fan service in the narrative and, all in all, it’s a really tight package.

Are there any new enemies?
Yes, numerous, as well as some familiar standards.

Any sidequests? If so, more than PH/WW?
I’d say there are a similar amount to Phantom Hourglass.

Is the game harder then Phantom Hourglass?
Maybe slightly? It’s not significantly more difficult in my opinion, but then I’ve been playing Zelda games for a long time. Perhaps anyone who came to the series with PH will find more of a challenge here.

Can you customise your train?
Later on in the game you can, but it’s not quite as significant element as it is in Phantom Hourglass.

In Phantom Hourglass there were sea boss battles. Are there similar ones in Spirit Tracks?
Yes, there are bosses you fight from the train.

How big is the game’s world compared to Phantom Hourglass’?
Very similar size.

Are there any returning characters besides Link and Zelda?
Yes. You will heard about Niko from Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass. There are others too but I can’t give them away yet.

Is there treasure like the Goron Amber, Zora Scales, etc in Phantom Hourglass?
Yes, there are loads of different pieces of treasure to collect.

What is there to explore (in PH you sailed to an island and then explored it)?
Rather than islands, there are loads of different stations for Link to pull in at from which he can access villages, dungeons, challenge grounds, mini areas and such like. Some are only found on hidden routes and unlock later in the game.

How many dungeons are there?
Five, plus a few ‘mini dungeons’.

Is there a postman? I loved the Twiliprin postman.
Yes, there’s a postman.

Can you wear alternative coloured tunics or other costumes (besides Conductor) at any time in the game?
No. You wear the red tunic for the first 45 minutes or so, then it’s the standard green tunic.

Does the game feature any DSi enhancements?

Any returning races? Any new ones?
Yes, there are returning races, as well as some new ones. Again, no spoilers here!

Are there heart pieces to find this time around?
Yup, lots of heart pieces to collect.

In Phantom Hourglass rupees weren’t much of a big deal. Will rupees in Spirit Tracks be more useful?
I was glad to see that rupees have been put to better use. It generally feels like things are more expensive and there are more treasures and items to choose from.

Can you get off the train at any time?
No, you can only get off the train at stations or when hailed by an NPC at the side of the track.

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