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The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya also releasing in North America and Europe next week

Posted on March 4, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

We found out a few days ago that The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya is on track for the Japanese Switch eShop next week. On the same day, the visual novel will be available in North America and Europe.

The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya is scheduled for March 8 at a price point of $14.99 / €14.99. Continue on below for some additional information.

“The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya” is a popular romance game in Japan aimed at a female audience. Step into the pleasure district of Yoshiwara with the roles of male and female reversed and enjoy a heart-rending love story.

Available in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese.

The Story
Yoshiwara, housed in the center of the island, always had a beautiful glow to it…

Hoping to attend one of the banquets held every night in Yoshiwara, you, daughter to a wealthy merchant, enter the pleasure district with the bodyguard Musashi Takenouchi at your side.

Once at the banquet, you find yourself presented with men so beautiful you can scarcely believe they’re of this world.

They beguile you with tempting eyes and practiced movements.

One of them lightly whispers loves to you, and as you find yourself drawn to and suspicious of him, you want to see him again. Which one of them is it? Who will you choose?

Source: Switch eShop

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