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The time has almost come…

Posted on June 14, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Well, guys…Nintendo’s conference will be starting about 13 hours from now. Can you believe that once tomorrow is over we’ll know about Zelda Wii, the 3DS/software, and the Vitality Sensor? This is quite an odd E3 since we know a good amount of what Nintendo will show. There’s also a few rumors going around, including one about a Donkey Kong game for Wii as well as a brand new Animal Crossing title for the 3DS.

Like we’ve been doing since NE opened its doors, we’ll be here live to provide you with updates literally the moment they happen. I’ll be making one more post tomorrow morning about the conference times, but until then, have a good night and make sure not to dream about Nintendo too much!

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