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There are no system-wide accomplishments on Wii U

Posted on November 11, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

There’s been a lot of talk about the possibility of system-wide accomplishments on Wii U. In the past, some developers have hinted that Nintendo may have implemented such functionality, but we finally have a confirmation that no such feature is in place.

5th Cell CEO Jeremiah Slaczka confirmed that Wii U games will only include accomplishments if the developers choose to add in the feature. Achievements aren’t mandatory for any title on the system.

According to Slaczka:

“There are no Wii U accomplishments that are system wide. They are up to the developers to include or not include. Scribblenauts Unlimited loosely has them in the form of ‘Global Starite Shards’ which is like a giant checklist of global things to spawn and do in the game that aren’t area specific.”


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