Treasure – downloadable title planned, Sin and Punishment 2 talk, more
Sin and Punishment 2
– Retail game, not WiiWare title
– Character designed from original game working on S&P2
– Masato Maegawa (Treasure president) very pleased with VC sales of Sin and Punishment
Virtual Console
– Maegawa also happy with sales of other VC titles, specifically Gunstar Heroes
– Wants more people to purchase Dynamite Headdy on the VC – compared to other Treasure titles, VC sales are much lower on the game
Bleach Versus Crusade
– Playable at TGS
– Releasing in Japan this December
– “Maegawa pretty much confirmed that Treasure will be doing a downloadable game in the future”
– Maegawa has seen the sales of other WiiWare/PSN/XBLA titles, believes it’s viable to work on a downloadable title
– Treasure impressed with IntiCreates’ job on with Mega Man 9
– Treasure still going to release mainly retail titles