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Two Point Campus delayed to August

Posted on April 6, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Two Point Campus delayed

Two Point Campus has been delayed and will no longer be meeting its original May 17, 2022 release date. Instead, the team has decided to move things back to August 9.

Mark Webley, the game’s director, said in a statement that it will be using the extra time “deliver the best possible game that can be enjoyed equally on all platforms.” He specifically mentioned optimization as a point of focus.

Webley’s full statement reads:

“Our ambition from the start has been to release Two Point Campus across all PC and console platforms simultaneously to the quality and standard that our community expects from us. This means we will need a little bit more time with Two Point Campus to make sure we deliver the best possible game that can be enjoyed equally on all platforms. We will use these additional three months to optimize Two Point Campus for all platforms.

Outside of the delay news, a developer vision video was published for Two Point Campus today. The team discussed its overall vision for the game and showed off new footage. Get a look at the video below.

Two Point Hospital will be sold both physically and digitally on Switch at launch.

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