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Two prominent Switch Joy-Con drift lawsuits have been dismissed

Posted on May 13, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Joy-Con lawsuits dismissed

A pair of prominent Switch Joy-Con drift lawsuits have reached their conclusions, and both are being dismissed.

The first one, Diaz vs. Nintendo, was filed in 2019. Carbajal vs. Nintendo then started up in 2020. Game File reports that “the parents who brought the suits on behalf of their children have called for the cases’ dismissal.” It’s unclear what led them to that decision currently. Both claimed that Nintendo knowingly sold defective controllers.

For those that are unaware, Joy-Con drift takes place when the registers input even if you’re not moving the joystick. Obviously that can make things rather frustrating while playing a game. If you’re playing Super Mario Odyssey for instance, Mario may move on his own in a certain direction, and that’s not exactly great when attempting to make a jump.

Joy-Con drift was a hot topic for many years, going back to Switch’s original 2017 release. Some users are still affected by the issue, but Nintendo has looked to make continuous improvements to its controllers to cut down on the problem. Users are also able to send their Joy-Con in for repair.

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