Two Tribes passed on Angry Birds appearance in Toki Tori, was director’s “worst decision ever”
Two Tribes was presented with an incredible opportunity prior to the release of Toki Tori 2. The studio could have put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori. Likewise, Toki Tori would have been in Angry Birds. In the end, however, Two Tribes decided against the idea.
Angry Birds soon went on to become a smashing success. Of course, Two Tribes had no way of anticipating that the game would have taken off like it did. But looking back on the situation, Two Tribes director Martijn Reuvers calls it his “worst decision ever”.
Reuvers said:
“Finding the next Angry Birds or Temple Run or whatever is of course the holy grail. But we haven’t found it either. In fact, I think a lot of those successes are based on luck as well. To give you an example: when Angry Birds released back in 2009, its initial success was quite limited. In fact its publisher, Chillingo, contacted me to see if there were possibilities to put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori to raise awareness of their game. Back then Toki Tori was a success for Chillingo, whereas Angry Birds (which was released on their B-label: Clickgamer), was not (yet).
The idea was to put an Angry Bird in Toki Tori and they would then put Toki Tori in Angry Birds. But when I played the game, I strongly felt that it wasn’t a right fit to put in Toki Tori. And I declined. A couple of months later, the sales suddenly picked up massively. The rest is history. In retrospect, it has been my worst decision ever”