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Two Tribes plans to be very involved with Miiverse

Posted on March 7, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U eShop

Developers have started to interact more with fans than ever before. There are outlets such as Twitter that allow for direct communication – something that wasn’t around in previous years.

Miiverse is another way for developers to stay in touch with consumers, and Two Tribes has plans to take advantage of the service.

When asked for Two Tribes’ thoughts on Miiverse, founder Collin van Ginkel praised the feature and noted that the studio plans “to be very active in the Toki Tori 2 community”.

“I think it’s the best gift I’ve received in years. It allows us to directly talk to our players through a home console, which has not ever been possible before. We expect to be very active in the Toki Tori 2 community when it launches.”

Thanks to Jürgen Chytry for the tip.


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