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Ubisoft has a 10-year plan for Watch_Dogs

Posted on July 2, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Watch_Dogs is here to stay for Ubisoft. So much so that the publisher is planning an investment that will span ten years, at the least.

Speaking with The Guardian, producer Dominic Guay mentioned that Ubisoft is approaching Watch_Dogs similar to how Bungie is taking on Destiny. Both IPs will be sticking around for the long term.

Guay said the following when it was brought up that Bungie has a 10-year plan for Destiny:

Honestly that’s what we’re doing too. Here’s the way we think about it: even if we change our minds mid-course or after shipping Watch Dogs and say ‘scratch that, we’ll do something else’, the planning helps to make a strong core. We’ve all seen TV series where after a season there are a lot of mysteries; then at the start of season two you think, they didn’t know what was going to happen – they’re just stringing us along! You feel it! And it’s the same with games. If there’s a clear long-term plan, you’ll have stronger characters, the universe will be more coherent. So when you have the luxury of creating a new brand – which is happening less and less in this industry, you need to do just that. We’ve been doing the same thing Bungie has been doing – we’re trying to see how our characters and world will evolve. That’s always in the back of our heads.

Source, Via

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