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Ubisoft once again says it supports Wii U, believes in second screen

Posted on June 24, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Ubisoft continues to express that the company is a big believer in Wii U. This time, senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key talked up the console’s dual screen experience.

Speaking with IGN, Key said:

“As a company, we like the Wii U. We really believe that the second screen can add a new dimension to gaming. We’re still big supporters of that system. We have just as many games coming out on Wii U this year as we did at launch. So we like the second screen. We think there are opportunities with all these games to extend them – to another person, to another location. We’re taking it very seriously.”

Ubisoft will have – at least this year – quite a bit of content on Wii U. Fans can look forward to Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Assassin’s Creed IV, and Watch_Dogs.


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