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Ubisoft says the Wii U pioneered a tablet interface on consoles, but they’re focusing on the PS4 and XBO for second-screen experiences going forward

Posted on July 2, 2013 by (@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U

assassin's creed 3 wii u gamepad

“The Wii U was kind of the pioneer of the connected tablet interface. This gave us some ideas for the first iteration of tablets connected with console games. It’s not confirmed yet, but if it’s possible to do it and it makes sense, yes we will provide some kind of experience on the Wii U. Our focus is on the new generation of Microsoft and Sony consoles.”

– Ubisoft managing director Nicolas Rioux

The irony of the situation notwithstanding, it would be pretty unfortunate to see Ubisoft’s next gen games skip the Wii U, but perhaps even more troubling (politically) to see the games hit the platform but skip out on the tablet-integration interface. Given that the Wii U is the only console that actually ships with such a device installed, common sense would dictate that it’d be easiest to develop such extra features for. Unfortunately, the case is such that making an iPad app means you’ve covered the PS4 and XBO in one swipe, whereas developing something separate for the Wii U Gamepad requires additional resources.

Such has been the situation with Nintendo consoles for a while now– their unique architecture is designed the help Nintendo stay in the game, but it’s a bit of a turn off for third parties.

Via NintendoLife

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