Ubisoft will continue to disappoint Wii hardcore with more casual titles down the road
Over the past few months, the general hardcore gaming opinion of Ubisoft on Nintendo systems has not been too favorable. Instead of knowing that something along the lines of Prince of Persia will grace the Wii, Wii owners typically have a terrible feeling that, instead, the only brand of games they’ll see from the company is yet another iteration from the “Petz” franchise. The situation doesn’t seem to be looking any brighter for hardcore Wii owners, though. In an interview with Gamasutra, Ubisoft Montreal CEO Yannis Mallat indirectly explained that more casual games will be coming to Nintendo’s console. “I cannot speak for Nintendo and the others, but I think the figures speak for themselves. What is sure is that we are a content provider and an experience provider. We will, for sure, make games for everyone — hardcore gamers on that [Xbox 360] console, and casual gamers on this [Wii] console. We’ll make games for everyone, because that’s our job. ”