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UK games market declines by 17.4% in 2012

Posted on January 2, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Physical and digital sales combined, the UK video games market is down from £1.934bn in 2011 to £1.598bn in 2012. The market experienced a 17.4 percent dip, according to the ERA.

There is in a small bright spot in the digital space. Sales of digital releases are up 7.7 percent in 2012, growing to £552.2m. Despite the fact that digital video game sales are experiencing a slow trend upwards, it is the most valuable entertainment sector in the UK.

It should be noted that most titles are still being sold in physical form, but digital games are making an impact. 65.4 per cent of the 2012 video games market was comprised of physical sales, compared to 2011’s 73.5 percent.

But even with support from digital, the overall market is slumping. Physical video games are at a lukewarm £1.05bn.


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