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Vigil talks Wii U touch screen, getting game on screen was simple

Posted on September 22, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Darksiders II producer Ryan Stefanelli has commented on some of the experiences he’s had with Wii U thus far. Specifically, Stefanelli discussed the touch screen that the console offers and mentioned how easy it was to enable full gameplay on it.

“Just to have something on the touch screen, we put the inventory and map systems on the controller – and even that small thing makes a big difference. When you collect a new piece of loot, you just look down to see if you want it, and can equip it instantly. I can’t say for sure if that’ll be in the final cut, but it’s really cool that the gameplay experience never has to be broken up by changing out equipment. …It (the touch screen) allows for quick weapon and equipment swaps. For example, you could have two different equipment sets for Death – one that’s geared towards heavy weapons and big armour, and another that’s designed for mobility and quick strikes. On the Wii U, all it would take to switch from one to the other would be a hot button on the touch screen, and multiple swaps could be made during an intense combat without ever pausing.”

“Our one and only goal once we got the Wii U hardware was to get Darksiders II running on it. We didn’t even have running the game on the touch screen on our ‘to do’ list. but once we got it running, we just fooled around with getting it on the touch screen as a lark. It took all of five minutes and two lines of code, and boom! – there was the entire game running on the controller. Amazing.”


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