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Voice actor Brad Venable, who played Nader and Kostas in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, has passed away

Posted on January 8, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

We’re sad to report that voice actor Brad Venable has passed away. He was 43 years old.

Venable played the roles of Nader and Kostas in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He was involved in other Nintendo-published titles as well, including Fire Emblem Heroes (as Cormag), Detective Pikachu (as Max Warhol and Gino Farina), Pokemon Masters (Clay), Daemon X Machina (Gloom), and Sushi Striker (Franklin).

A number of voice actors have expressed their sadness about hearing of Venable’s passing on social media. We’ve rounded up just a few of their responses below.

Our hearts go out to Brad Venable’s family, friends, and those affected by his passing.

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