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Warner Bros. believes in Wii U, Nintendo content will give system new life

Posted on June 17, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

In addition to Ubisoft, Warner Bros. has thrown a bunch of support towards the Wii U. Despite the console’s slow start, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment president Martin Tremblay says that the publisher is “a believer on the Wii U.”

“We’re a believer on the Wii U. Honestly, we hope everybody’s going to work out. It’s just good for the industry.”

Tremblay pointed to the Wii U’s “content” as one of the reasons for the system’s slow start. However, Nintendo showcased a number of new games that he thinks “will re-energize the platform.”

“I think the console has been off to a slow start, but I think they’re going to fix the problem. I don’t think it’s a problem, but it’s more about the content. And I think they showed tons of new content [at E3] that will re-energize the platform.”


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