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WayForward discusses Mighty Switch Force’s enhanced 3D

Posted on May 25, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Yesterday’s Mighty Switch Force update brought along a few changes. It added new levels, a replay button, and “enhanced” 3D.

While the first two elements are absolutely clear, the improved 3D visuals was slightly confusing. Just how was the effect improved?

Developer WayForward explained on its Facebook page:

“A lot of people have been wondering how the 3D has been ‘enhanced’ in the new version of Mighty Switch Force. Essentially, the game has more 3D layers than before. These subtle improvements can be found throughout the game. One example are the rear walls of Incident 2, which used to be flat against the character and now extend deep into the playfield. Your eye may not pick up all the differences, but your brain will!”


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