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What does Miyamoto think of the competition?

Posted on June 17, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Shigeru Miyamoto, along with his translator Bill Trinen, decided to check out Kinect at E3. What did they think of the competition? Well, a picture taken of the two at E3 says a lot…

Miyamoto and Trinen are on the far left. Can’t see them well? Let’s zoom in a bit.

It’s actually funny how unamused both of them look. In fact, Mr. Trinen looks even more underwhelmed than Miyamoto! Then again, it’s probably just that the picture was taken at the most inopportune time…Ah, well, let’s zoom in once more on Miyamoto for good measure.

Thanks to L.P. for the tip!


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