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What we would want in Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Posted on April 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Features

Many people want Super Smash Bros. to make an appearance on a Nintendo handheld, but are divided on whether it could be done well. I’m in the section that wants it and believes that it can be done correctly. In this post I’m going to explain to you how I would make a SSB game on the 3DS work and play correctly. I’ll then go into detail on the features, characters, and stages I would want in such a title.

How It Would Play:

• In-Game:

One reason why some fans are afraid of a SSB game on the 3DS is because of the screen size. There’s a lot of action going on and the stages are huge. That doesn’t even include item drops, where the final smash would appear, as well as assist characters. I understand these concerns, though there are certainly ways to make it work.

To do so we would utilize both screens on the 3DS. The top screen would be where most of the action takes place. Instead of the top screen showing a static camera shot of the entire stage, it would be a slightly zoomed in perspective of your character. It would leave enough real estate to see characters approaching from any side. This way your character isn’t the size of a pin and impossible to see. It allows you to know where you are and still have some breathing room.

The bottom screen would have a map of the stage with markers tracking all four players. It would also display alerts for when items would drop or when the final smash lands.

I do think that assist characters should be left out of this iteration. I can’t imagine the 3DS having the power to handle them along with everything else at the same time. It would also take up a lot of screen space and confuse everyone playing. Personally, I feel as though the game would be much cleaner without them.

The circle pad is perfect for movement and the many face buttons would continue to be used as the attack buttons/jump buttons. The L and R buttons would remain as shield buttons.

• Character Selection:

Before each match, the touch screen would be used so that players could choose their characters and set up what items will be available. The top screen will display the four chosen characters and what teams they’re on.

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