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What we would want in Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Posted on April 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Features


• Multiple Modes:

Naturally, one of the coolest elements in Smash Bros is the amount of modes in the game. Besides standard versus, there’s a tournament mode and many variations for standard versus. Modes such as stamina or lightning mode would definitely have to make a return.

I wouldn’t even mind seeing some new modes. A team tag inclusion set up very much like Marvel vs. Capcom could be interesting, but with only two characters (and no assists). It’d be a nice experiment in my opinion. I would also love to see a “big head mode”, but that’s the nostalgia talking.

• More Mini Games:

Currently there are only three “mini-games” in the SSB series: Home Run Contest, Target Breaker, and 100 Man Melee (and assorted numberings). These games are fun and all, but why not add more? Also, let’s give Home Run Contest a purpose, shall we? There has never been any reason to hit that sandbag as far as possible except to brag to your friends. It should be tied to a character unlock or something useful.

• No More Story Mode:

That Subspace Emissary was easily the mode confusing and boring thing I’ve ever had to do in a SSB game. It was very long and not a whole lot of fun to play. The bosses were kind of cool and some of the stages were actually fun but it didn’t play very much like a SSB game. It also took all the fun out of unlocking characters and sort of just handed them to you as you played, with one or two exceptions.

• The Return of Arcade Mode:

What I really want is the return of standard arcade mode. Give me nine (or even more) stages littered with bosses and random encounters (like team battles or giant enemies). Sure, this was included in the last SSB game, but it felt like an afterthought and unimportant compared to Subspace Emissary mode.

A co-op mode would be fun as well. It would have to be limited to two players so there’s still room for the actual enemies. Just amp up the difficulty of the opponents and everything is balanced. This way there are more options for people who want to play together, but don’t want to just play a simple versus match.

• More Boss Battles:

Speaking of arcade mode, the most enjoyable part was fighting the exclusive boss characters that you could see in the rest of the game. I’d like to see more bosses with different variations of them in arcade mode.

• StreetPass:

Super Street Fighter IV 3D is already using the StreetPass feature for figurine battles. Winning awards you more coins which you can use to purchase better figurines and in-game art (along with other bonus content I’m sure). I would want SSB 3D to follow in the same footsteps.

You’d select one character that your 3DS would use during a StreetPass battle. Winning would increase your coins count that could be used to level your figurine or buy bonus content. This bonus content would include hidden stages or characters that you could alternatively unlock through normal play if you wanted to.

• Online Play:

This one is pretty simple. The ability to play with friends over the internet or locally is critical to a game like Super Smash Bros. All of the fun lies in unlocking those characters, and being able to use them while playing with your friends. There’s little to no point in doing it on your own.

I would also like to see the game utilize the DS Download Play similar to Street Fighter’s compatibility. It could transfer the game to those who don’t have the title and would allow for online play. Then if the host drops, the connection between the other players will remain intact, allowing them to continue the bout.

• Connectivity with the Wii 2:

Assuming the Wii’s successor comes out while the 3DS is still relevant, it would be nice to see some interplay between the two systems. Some transfer of characters or stages would be nice. Maybe you could transfer stage music as well? There’s a lot of room for excellent ideas here. Perhaps even using the 3DS as your controller?

• Downloadable Content

Nothing would make people happier between SSB releases than if Nintendo would put out a few new stages or characters for people to download. All people would need to do is hook up their 3DS to the new Wii console and download them to their system. This would keep people playing the game for even longer and keep things fresh while they do so.

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